Having a pet
We are a pet friendly organisation but there are conditions to having pets at your home. If you have a pet or would like a pet, please let us know.
Te Āhuru Mowai has a no pets policy when establishing a new tenancy. However, we recognise the potential benefits of whānau owning pets, so permission for a pet may be granted prior to the pet being brought to the property. If whānau have multiple pets, written permission must be sought for each pet.
What we as a landlord consider as pets:
Rabbits, Guinea Pigs
Fish, turtles etc
If permission to keep pets is granted, all permission is conditional on the whānau making sure that:
The property is suitable for keeping a pet
The pet is not a health or safety risk to staff, contractors or others
If the pet is a dog, that the dog is not specified dangerous or menacing under the Dog Control Act 1996
The pet is not likely to, or does not, attack any person or other pet
The pet is not likely to, cause a nuisance to your neighbours
The pet is not likely to, damage the premise
You will comply with all legal responsibilities attached to pet ownership including any applicable local council bylaws
If you are concerns about other peoples dogs please contact: Porirua City Council Dog
Control on 04 237 5089
Conditions to having a pet
Like all New Zealanders you will need to comply with the laws that apply. There are council by-laws around keeping pets.
If you live in the Porirua area you can find more information by visiting the Porirua City Council website: www.poriruacity.govt.nz.
If you live in the Tawa / Linden area you can find more information by visiting the Wellington City Council website: www.wellington.govt.nz.
If you line in the Kāpiti area you can find more information by visiting the Kāpiti Coast District Council website: https://www.kapiticoast.govt.nz.
Get in touch >
0508 832 487
All enquires, Freephone
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