Payments and rent

Find out about bonds, rent payments and income related rent.


When you start your tenancy, you must make a bond payment. In some cases, your bond or part of it may be paid by the Ministry of Social Development (Work and Income). In either case we send the bond to the Tenancy Services Bond Centre for processing. You will receive a letter with a lodgment number to confirm they have received it.

The centre holds the bond until the tenancy ends. If there is no rent owed, no charges for cleaning, damage, removal of belongings, removal of rubbish or any other money outstanding, you will get your bond back.

Paying your rent

It is important that you pay your rent-on time. If you have problems paying your rent, please let us know as soon as possible. We may be able to come to an agreement around paying any arrears and help with advice such as how to check you are receiving the correct benefit entitlement. 

If paying manually see information below:

Te Āhuru Mōwai

ANZ Bank 

Bank Account: 06-0507-0822601-01 (For all previous Kāinga ora tenants)

Bank Account: 06-0507-0822601-04 (For Paekākāriki properties and Moana Court)

Payment Reference Number: TAM*********** (Existing tenants from Kāinga Ora)

Payment Reference Number: R********* (New Tenants)

Payment Reference Number MC****** (Moana Court Tenants)

If your rent is paid by the Ministry of Social Development (Work and Income) direct from your benefit or pensions, the Ministry of Social Development (Work and Income) will take care of this for you.

Payment Methods

Payments can be made by:

  • Direct from the Ministry of Social Development (Work and Income)

  • Automatic Bank deduction

  • Deductions via wages / salary

  • Internet banking

  • Manually at ANZ Bank

  • Direct Debit

  • Eftpos in our office

Income-related rent

The amount of rent you pay is based on your income and the income of people you live with. The Ministry of Social Development (Work and Income) will work out how much you’ll need to pay.

The Ministry of Social Development (Work and Income) usually review rent payments to make sure that you are paying the right amount. To find out more about the responsibilities of The Ministry of Social Development (Work and Income) visit the Work and Income website. 

Need help?

If you are needing help or have any questions freephone us on (0508) 832 487 or email

Our office is open Monday - Friday from 9am to 4.30pm. All calls outside these hours, are directed to an after-hours service who will manage the issue as required.

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0508 832 487

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